You write that you are for independence. What other party can you see making that happen before Westminster’s Internal Market Bill attempts to make it entirely impossible.

Sometimes you have to get behind a movement to attain an end — once the end is attained, work within the new conditions to make it thrive. Churchill was recognised and lauded as the man to get UK thru WW2 — the post-war election he was voted out.

The electorate wanted a new party to control the new vision. Step One is achieving independence. Step Two is an entire realignment of the Scottish Political Landscape.

There will always be a right-of-centre group, but Scotland’s natural Social Democratic values can be fully expressed.

Westminster MPs return to fight for a place at Holyrood. Scottish Labour can revert to its traditional values once again free from London monetarism, and once again be attractive to its traditional voters.  Jackie Baillie can serve in a party with true Scottish interests at heart. The SNP will fracture into two (or more) parties.

Perhaps current political divisions will melt and find politicians coming together in new groups of shared interest.

Who knows the potential? However, without Step One there is no Step Two. Instead it’s a continuation of Westminster values where social democracy (Labour & Lib Dems) is becoming more and more an irrelevance — Hartlepool voting Tory, first time in its electoral history not returning Labour. Is that what we’re destined to be a part of if we cannot pull together and make Step One happen?

At the stage it shouldn’t be about narrow squabbling over particular political leaders or political events, it should be about a vision of the future for our children and grand children. We owe them that.

Brian Wright

One comment

  1. Scotland I am afraid is destined for more Tory rule.

    The protections afforded through legislation to protect employment rights such as TUPE, maternity leave, forty eight hour maximum week, and other rights are now post Brexit set to be rolled back.

    Ditto the environmental standards, such as the banning of certain pesticides and food additives, and food production standards ( such as the popularly recognised chlorinated chicken ) are all now post Brexit set to be rolled back.

    And of course a trade deal for international corporates to move in to our NHS that is now well underway.

    And with all of this facilitated by the anodyne named ‘ UK Internal Market Bill’ the Scottish Parliament will have no say, no control, no locus, as the Westminster Government takes over.

    Oh how the dafties will squeak. But their squeak will be just that, a squeak, because quite frankly the electorate I don’t think truly care. They will of course when they see the benefits of a privatised corporate run Health Service – and where folks will be free to buy as much health care as they need.

    I mean, to use the corporate energy industry phrase, when folks run out of credit for gas and electricity they are described to have ‘ voluntarily self disconnected ‘

    Ah well, why should I bother, if others don’t. It’s a fair commercial world where the corporates look after us, and where we, ipso facto effectively vote for Tory Westminster rule.

    Suck it up folks, suck it up.

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