Our town is looking very pretty with all the blossom trees. However, I recently had a walk through East End Park. What a sorry state it’s in. Like many of the grassed areas in the town it has fallen subject to the ridiculous “biodiversity” policy (our town is surrounded by beautiful, natural biodiversity). Only the outer border of the lawn has been cut with the remainder of the long grass playing host to dog poo and litter, which isn’t a good look. Meadows and grasslands need to be managed, not just left to look as though no-one cares.
I hope, after the Council election on 5th May, there will be a rethink on this policy and we may see a return to tidy grassy areas and verges with some pride restored to our town. Our lovely Municipal Buildings were even more enhanced when the grounds were full of the colour and beauty that attracted wedding groups to have their photos taken beside the floral borders, that sadly exist no longer.

Community councillor Linda Speir

Flowers in Dumbarton – hopefully we may see a return to tidy grassy areas and verges with some pride restored to our town. Pictures by Linda Speir


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