By Lucy Ashton

 Scottish Labour has warned the SNP government against “normalising chaos” that has left thousands of patients waiting eight hours or more in A&E.

In the past week, 2,896 patients were forced to wait eight hours or longer in the emergency ward, while 1,226 were forced to wait more than 12 hours, according to the latest government statistics.

Dame Jackie Baillie and Health Minister Neil Gray.

Overall, roughly one in three (32.7%) Scots had to wait more than four hours for treatment.

In this year already, almost 65,000 patients have waited more than eight hours in A&E, of which almost 30,000 have waited more than half a day.

Scottish Labour has urged Health Secretary Neil Gray to show that the SNP does not consider excessive NHS waiting times as “normal”. 

Scottish Labour Health spokesperson Jackie Baillie said: “The SNP has left Scotland’s A&E on crutches and patients and staff are feeling the pain.

“The last thing seriously ill patients need is to spend eight hours or more waiting in a corridor while their condition deteriorates, but that is becoming all too normal in Neil Gray’s NHS.

“Our incredible hospital staff are making a superhuman effort to keep our vital health services going, but this cannot be sustained forever.

“The SNP must ditch the sticking plasters and give staff the support they need to reduce waiting times – but this urgency seems unlikely given its track record over the past 17 years.

“Scotland needs change and Scottish Labour will ensure it is delivered.”

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