Published 10 March 2020

Laura Mason Ed officialBy Bill Heaney

Plans to improve schools and other education facilities across West Dunbartonshire over the next decade are set to be presented to councillors.

Plans to improve schools and other education facilities across West Dunbartonshire over the next decade are set to be presented to councillors.

A series of priority projects have been identified as part of the Learning Estate Strategy 2020-2030 including a new build campus developed incorporating a co-located Edinbarnet Primary, St Joseph’s Primary and Auchnacraig Early Learning and Childcare Centre as well as an integrated Skypoint Community Facility.

The masterplan encompasses all schools and early learning and childcare centres in West Dunbartonshire and identifies the spending required on buildings in future. It will go before councillors at the Educational Services Committee on Wednesday, March 11.

In developing the strategy, all schools and centres have been assessed on factors including condition, current and future school roll and suitability for delivering Curriculum for Excellence as well as to ensure they deliver best value for the communities of West Dunbartonshire.

The plans include no mention of the fact that £ millions could be saved if denominational and non denomination schools thought the estate were to be merged.

The next phase will deliver a new build Renton Education Campus incorporating the existing primary school, language unit and provision of a new 0-5 early years establishment, which is set to open in 2021.

Chief Education Officer Laura Mason, above left,  said: “Over the last five years, the Council has invested £66.6m to provide enhanced learning environments for thousands of young people. The Learning Estate Strategy for 2020 -2030 focusses on the continued delivery of 21st century learning environments which fully meet the needs of individual young people and the wider community both now and in the future.

“This is the initial stage in what would be an extensive process involving submission of a funding application to the Scottish Government. Should the committee decide to proceed with Edinbarnet/St Joseph’s/Auchnacraig/Skypoint as the priority project, engagement and consultation would be undertaken with the school communities.”

The committee will meet in Clydebank Town Hall on Wednesday, March 11, at 2pm.

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